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Womens' Retreat
October 25th - 27th, 2019

Treasured Kingdom Daughters:
Anchored in Hope

Women's Retreat & Seminar

October 18th - 20th


God is with you and He is for you! You are a daughter of the Most High King. You are God's Beloved!  

A holy princess, a woman with strengths and abilities to be used in the kingdom.

(Proverbs 31:25)


The enemy wants to stop you from fulfilling your destiny.

He doesn’t want you to realize your full potential or the gifts and talents that God has placed inside you. 

He knows if you find out he won’t be able to stop you.

Without a true understanding of who we are, as daughters of the King,

the faces we present to the world may not be who we really are underneath.

If we are to be the princess warriors that we are meant to be, we have to remove the masks.

It is only then that we will be equipped to help other women remove the masks that they are hiding behind. 


God desires, and requires, us to go through His refining and preparation time that we may be well equipped, enabled, and capable of fulfilling the task and the purposes for which we were created. Then comes the sweet aroma time where together as sisters, we worship and praise our King. This preparation time empowers us to go forward and fulfill His will and our destiny.



God is calling you to the throne room.

He is inviting you to come into His presence so He can love you,

heal you, and prepare you for the work He has created for you.

Your King desires to teach you who you really are in Christ as you pick up your Sword,

the Word of God, and read it, believe it, and be transformed by it! 

So, rise up, daughters of the King, God is calling you to battle!


He wants you to move forward and recognize the incredible woman

you are and become who He created you to be.

A time of Dynamic Teaching, Praise, Worship and Godly fellowship

with other daughters of the Most High King.



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