The Secret Place Retreat at Kulaqua Resort
Experience the transformative power of dwelling in the Secret Place of the Most High. Join us at the incredible Kulaqua Resort and Conference Center from August 25-27. Unwind, connect, and grow with like-minded ladies and find shelter under the shadow of the Almighty.
On Saturday April 1st, unite with men from all walks of life for a day of worship, fellowship, and teaching from keynote speaker LtCol (ret) Stuart "Scar" Sullivan. CHARGE will challenge and inspire you to live out your God-given purpose and take your place as a leader in your community. Get plugged in and join the CHARGE!
Charge Men's Retreat
April 1st, 2023
Forged in Fire 2022
Men's Retreat
September 23 & 24, 2022
Faithful Followers Foundation and HITMAN Present
A Gathering of Men for Faith, Fellowship and Guns at:
OK Corral Gun Club
9449 NE 48th St.
Okeechobee, FL 34972
Guest Speaker Vance Day
Former President of Promise Keepers
Mens' Retreat & Seminar
November 5-7, 2021
The power of the Spirit has been bestowed on the full body of believers. We must band together as brothers who will fight the good fight – who will unite together for a common, meaningful, and glorious mission.
Treasured Kingdom Daughters' Retreat
February 19-21, 2021
He wants you to move forward and recognize the incredible woman you are and become who He created you to be. A time of Dynamic Teaching, Praise, Worship and Godly fellowship with other daughters of the Most High King.
Couples' Retreat
November 6-8, 2020
Join us for a weekend of celebration, renewal, and refreshment as we look at the marriage partnership and how to keep it fresh and alive. Whether you have been married one year or fifty years, come and enjoy the weekend with us.
Mens' Retreat
June 19-21, 2020
The power of the Spirit has been bestowed on the full body of believers. We must band together as brothers who will fight the good fight – who will unite together for a common, meaningful, and glorious mission.
Womens' Retreat
October 25-27, 2019
Your King desires to teach you who you really are in Christ as you pick up your Sword, the Word of God, and read it, believe it, and be transformed by it! So, rise up, daughters of the King, God is calling you to battle!
Praise & Worship
February 15, March 15, April 19 2019
A Dynamic time of Praise, Worship, and Godly Fellowship
Feeding the Hungry
September 14, 2019
A time to give back to the less fortunate in need and fellowship.