Couples' Retreat & Seminar
November 6th - 8th

Covenant marriage is a unique bond between a man and woman, a blessing ordained by God, and given and witnessed by family and friends. The joining of man and woman is only the start of a continuing and deepening bond throughout life as couples grow individually in their walks with Christ and grow together in partnership with God to impact their world.
Our marriage vows state “to death do us part.” Unfortunately, in today’s world, it is challenging to keep our eyes focused on God’s best for our marriages. Too many distractions and outside pressures compete with our relationships with God and with our spouses.
This retreat focused on getting and staying on track with the love that began in you when you accepted our Heavenly Father’s love, and then continued when you married your spouse. We want you to find fulfillment in God and in one another and in the shared purpose God has for you as a couple. Our hope is for you to find new strategies that energize and deepen your relationship with one another and with God. And, for those of you who just need a weekend away, and time to yourselves as a couple, there will be plenty of time for that as well. We know how difficult it is to find time for one another, so we built that time into the weekend for you.
El Caribe Resort
2125 S. Atlantic Avenue
Daytona Beach, FL 32118